AviSynth+ is a fork of the well-known frameserver, but with community contributions that avoided mainline inclusion until now. In the hope of modernizing AviSynth to meet present day needs and expectations, the project encourages everybody to help reach our goals: add long-sought features, energize the community, and improve developer and user friendliness. AviSynth+ is fully compatible with plugins and scripts written for AviSynth.
Changes compared to AviSynth
- 64-bit version available
- Multithreading support
- Support for high bit-depth and other new pixel formats
- Faster script startup and substantially faster core filters
- Support for multiple ("shadow") plugin directories
- Autoloading of C-plugins
- Script language extensions, with support for multiline conditionals, loops, and arrays
- Improved still image support and TimeStretch
- Native support for Unix-like OSes (source compiling guide)
- Support for ARM architecture (currently not NEON-optimized)
Downstream packages available through distribution or third-party repositories:
- Arch Linux (Community, x86-64), Arch Linux ARM (Community, arm, armv6h, armv7h, aarch64)
- Arch Linux AUR (list)
- Debian 10 "Buster" (Github)
Developer features
- Easy and fast compilation, with current compilers
- 2x increased compilation speed
- Improved debugging experience
- Leaner and more logical project structure
- Large parts of the code refactored
Get in touch with us, give your feedback or let us merge your contributions. You can find us on our Doom9 thread or at #avs-plus on Rizon.